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Rural sports

Tolosa offers you the chance to discover the traditional sports of the Basque Country. The origins of these rural sports are rooted in daily activities. Aizkolaritza (wood-chopping competitions) arose out of the need to make firewood for the home, and boat racing derived from fishing.

Indeed, there are normally boat races on the river Oria. Tolosa has several teams that compete in boat races, and during the festival of San Juan, there is a very special race. These festivals also offer the chance to discover our rural sports in Plaza Triangulo, such as sokatira (tug-of-war), aizkolaritza (wood-chopping competitions) and bale lifting.

Even so, the sport with the greatest presence at the moment is Basque pelota. The Beotibar fronton court offers professional and amateur Basque pelota, Jai Alai and racket matches.

And although it is impossible to know when the next one will be, the bets organised in the Tolosa Bullring are famous, this is where two or more people challenge one another, combining different disciplines and pushing their abilities to the limit.