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How to get there

Tolosa has a strategic location, therefore it will be very easy for you to get there, whether by train, car or bus. It is very close to San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria, therefore, if you have travelled to the Basque Country by plane , it will be very easy to reach Tolosa.

By car

It is very easy to reach Tolosa, using the N1 road as a reference.

From San Sebastián


By train

The RENFE commuter service has two stations in Tolosa. Look up the timetables at the following link:



By bus

Line T5 of the Lurraldebus connects Tolosa and San Sebastián and has stops in most towns. There is also a direct San Sebastián-Tolosa line that takes 30 minutes.

Look up the timetables, routes and other information via the following link: