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T2T and T3T.

Tolosaldeko 3 Tontorrak is a mountain marathon, where the participants climb the Hernio, Uzturre and Erroizpe mountains.

T2T eta T3T

The male and female runners cover a total of 42 kilometres, and the route has a climb of 2800 m.

Tolosa is the starting and finish point of this mountain race that takes place in June and that involves the following route:

Tolosa-Alkiza- Anoeta-Irura- Elduaien-Gaztelu- Leaburu-Tolosa

The T3T race also has a little sister, the T2T,  a shorter race of 24 kilometres with a climb of 1600 m, that goes through two peaks (Uzturre and Erroizpe).

There are no excuses for not participating in this exceptional mountain race!!

Further information: Maratón T3T