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Shopping Areas

Within Tolosa, it is possible to distinguish two main shopping areas

The Historic Quarter

It is a special area, a lively and dynamic place that brings together heritage, trade and hotel and catering businesses. An outdoor pedestrian shopping centre, that offers everything from traditional shops, bars and cafes to the most modern and innovative commercial proposals.

It also has extensive covered public spaces (the Tinglado Marketplace and Plaza Verdura), where many of the municipality´s sociocultural activities are held (the Saturday market, fairs and special events...).

The greatest concentration of shops is located on Calles Rondilla and Correo, and both in that area and Calle Mayor (Artekale), Calle Errementari (Giro Kalea) and Calle Lechuga, you will find business with their own special character.

El Ensanche (The Extension)

This is a more modern and new area, with more convenient town planning (wider streets, access for vehicles...). This is where the main commercial activity is concentrated during the week.

The shopping hub is located between Calles San Francisco, Gudari, Oria and Laskorain, with its main artery on Avenida Navarra.