At the start of December Tolosa becomes a giant grill with the Chop Festival!!

We all know about the excellent work carried out by the male and female grill chefs of Tolosa. During those days, they bring their grills out to the Tinglado Market Place and offer the typical grill menu, created from local products, with the chop taking centre stage, to the delight of all the men and women attending. Casa Nicolás, Casa Julián, Asador Burruntzi and Restaurante Botarri roast meat on a tilting grill.

Next to this big dining area is the so-called “Zizka Mizka Koxka", a space where you can sample local products in an informal way, and there is also special entertainment, concerts, DJs...

To complete the range, in recent years there have been tastings and conferences targeted at professionals, and during this period, it is possible to enjoy different experiences: guided visits, Basque pelota matches...