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Privacy Policy

The data provided by the interested party will solely be used in order to provide information and personalised services from the site

That data will be kept in file for that purpose, owned by the Council of Tolosa, and shall not be subject to handling or assignment to third parties, unless there is express consent from the corresponding person or in the cases where current law allows it.

The user authorises the automated handling of the personal data that they voluntary provide to any section of the website. Likewise, the accuracy of the data provided is the responsibility of the user, and the entity reserves the right to cancel the registered services of any person that has provided false data, without prejudice to any other appropriate action according to law.

In compliance with current legislation, you can exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose, by sending a written request to: Council of Tolosa, Plaza Vieja, 6 20400 Tolosa